Krones Linatronic M

항목 번호: EC10-24618M

파트너: ecomac Gebrauchtmaschinen

주문 가능

요청 시 가격 공개


Product description

ecomac offers an used empty bottle inspection machine made by KRONES. The Linatronic M with DART technology warranties exact results in the inspection of empty bottles. The basic machine is equipped with a through passage station with belts and inspection modules in LED.

The machine in immediately availabel. Further details on request.

Bottle colour Green, brown, white
Output range 9.000 till 45.000 bottles/H
Execution Through passage station with 2 belts - electric adjustable
Inspection systemes Botton inspection camera
  Film detection on container base
  Glass fragment inspection on container base at white glass
  Neck finish detection camera
  Threat with cone optic
  Side wall module: 4 modules with 4 cabinetts and 4 cameras (Full-Front-View) - LED
  Film detection side wall
  High frequency caustic and residual liquids detection
  Infra red residual liquid detection in modular housing
  Contour and color detection in machine infeed
  Ecopush for foreign bottle detection and damaged bottles at machine infeed 
Operating Touchscreen 15" Clean Design color display with ZenOn
Net form TN-S Netz, 230/400V, 50Hz
Control unit Siemens S7 300
Machine safety Lift door

Product details

ECOMAC standard classification

  • Power: 40000
  • Type: Linatronic
  • Model: M
  • Manufacturer: Krones
  • Year: 2013
  • Equipment: Boden, Mündung, Gewinde, Lauge, Seitenwand
  • Availability: sofort
  • Movement direction: L-R
  • Control: Siemens S7
  • Location:Town: Neutraublng
  • Location:Country: Deutschland

Product downloads

직책 형식 크기 날짜
EC10-24618 Spezifikation deutsch 953.8 kB 2025년 2월 26일
EC10-24618M specification english 953.9 kB 2025년 2월 26일

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  • Krones Linatronic M
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