AS-i Bus Safety

Item number: E16

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Product description


Basic knowledge of electrical components


This course is a supplement to the course “Electrical System Training in the Laboratory” (E 15).


  • AS-i-Safety operational sequence
  • Safe handling of the SIM card and configuration on the SIM card
  • Safe component replacement
  • Fault simulation and diagnostics

Course objective:

This training course is a supplement to the course “Electrical System Training in the Laboratory (E 15)” and it will introduce you to the AS-i bus interface.

24 h Delivery

With a 24 h delivery, we send you the available products within one day. Just select products with the 24 h symbol.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional costs.

Partial delivery

With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.

추가 용역 서비스

재고 관리 패키지

재고 관리 패키지

맞춤형 재고 유지 패키지로 다운타임 최소화할 수 있습니다

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장기적으로 현재 시스템의 생산성을 최적화할 수 있습니다

지금 당장 검색해보세요

교체 목록

교체 목록

시스템에 설치된 교체된 파트의 오버뷰를 무료로 받아보세요

지금 당장 검색해보세요

튜토리얼 및 웨비나

튜토리얼 및 웨비나

튜토리얼 또는 Krones의 전문가의 도움으로 기능에 대해 배울수 있습니다

지금 당장 검색해보세요

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