Electrical System Training in the Laboratory

No d'article: E15

Partie contractante: KRONES AG - Academy

À commander 🛈

Description de produit




  • Racos, hardware plans
  • Allen-Bradley ControlLogix or Siemens S7
    • Structure of the communication with the processor
    • Flashing the firmware for the components
    • Hardware configuration
    • Bus systems: ASI bus, Profibus, Ethernet, DeviceNet
    • Diagnostics
  • Zenon touch-screen
    • Type/recipe structure
    • User administration
    • Zenon Explorer
  • B&R automation
    • Hardware overview
    • Acopos drive diagnostics
    • Runtime Utility Center Software, K-Dot Utility Software
  • Data backup
    • Parameter protection
    • KRONES image back-up and restoration utility

Course objective:

This course will provide you with a complete overview of the electrical engineering which is used in the KRONES equipment. If required, we will bespoke the contents to suit your requirements or your machines.

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