EvoGuard Valves

Numero articolo: B09

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

Disponibile 🛈

Product description





  • Method of operation of the individual valves (using models)
  • Process engineering basics
  • Pneumatic components
  • Disassembling and assembling individual valves using training components
  • PLC
  • Maintenance and service

Course objective:

On this course you will acquire a basic understanding of the process and control technology of the evoguard valves. You will learn everything necessary to overhaul and maintain the valves on your own – from replacing the seals and ordering spare parts to technical documentation. At the end of the course you feel quite at home in the world of valves: You will know which valve is suitable for which application. And you will be able to match the type of seal and seal material to the different applications.

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Partial delivery

With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.

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  • Fusible 20A
  • Cremagliera
  • Cremallera
  • Distanciador
  • Soporte De Abrazadera De Pl.De Corredera
  • Polea
  • Perno De Bloqueo
  • Tornillo de cab.cilínd.
  • CUBO
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