KRONES system technology

Item number: EOT1

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Описание продукта

Necessary prior knowledge:


Modules & Topics:

Introduction electric online training

  • Introduction and explanation

KRONES system technology – hardware diagram RACOS

  • Theory training on basic information, first steps for trainee to read KRONES hardware diagrams
  • Hands-on practice

KRONES system technology – ASI

  • Theory training on basic information ASI-Standard
  • Master Modes, ASI-adressing and S7 connectability
  • Exchange participants in the ASI-system and touch messages
  • Difference standard/safety, code-sequence
  • Safety components, exceptions/special cases
  • Backups through chip cards, SLS, Safelink, ASI-Mon-Software

KRONES system technology – Profibus/-net

  • Structure, functionality, characteristics, clarifying differences and similarities
  • Components
  • Step by step instruction on how to exchange and address a device on corresponding pages on touchscreen

KRONES system technology – Danfoss FC 300 Series

  • Structure, functionality, characteristics
  • How to address, create and restore backups (LCP and MCT-10)

KRONES system technology – ZENON/Touch

  • Structure, functionality, characteristics, how to exchange components
  • basics and diagnostic (overall) touch functions including message structure with its editability
  • How to create, copy, edit types and how to create, copy, edit users including user levels and transponder assignment
  • How create and restore backups as well as import and export Information within the system (through USB-Drive) and/or B&R Flashcards (optional)

KRONES system technology – B&R-X20

  • Structure, functionality, characteristics, how to exchange device/components, necessary maintenance and diagnostic possibilities, how to create and restore backups with B&R Flashcards (optional)

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